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Meet the Teacher

     I have been teaching in a 1st and 2nd grade loop for a few years now and, OH BOY, do I love it! My heart couldn’t be any fuller! The relationships that are built between teachers, students and parents are unbelievable over the course of two those years!
   Hands on, student centered and interactive learning is what I strive for in my classroom! If I have done by job correctly, my students should be looking forward to coming back to school the next day! I think that sooo much of primary school is simply teaching kids to LOVE learning, and of course learning to read, write and manipulate numbers is a big part of it too!
   On the home front, I’m married to the best guy around, Andrew. We celebrated 5 years in July! Whoo-hoo! And I’m a momma to two beautiful baby girls that are growing up way to fast!! Wahh!! Big sister just turned TWO this spring WHAT?!? When did THAT happen? 

They're just the sweetest, most snugly little girls EVER and I am sooo blessed to be their Momma! Thanks for stopping by follow along to get new, hands on ideas for your classroom and life! 
-      Allison 


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