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2nd Grade Math Tips, Freebies and More!

One thing I love about summer is tutoring… It provides the opportunity to truly work one on one with kiddos that you just can’t find time for in a whole classroom setting. Two of the girls I am tutoring this summer are entering into 3rd grade in the fall. They’re the sweetest girls, they’re learning needs aren’t huge, they just need a little extra support in math. To make sure they are fully prepared for the BIG jump to 3rd grade I went through each of the common core standards for math, creating 2nd Grade Math Common Core Standards Review Questions and following up assignments. This way I could see the strengths and deficits each girl had and teach accordingly.

Note: My 2nd Grade “I Can” statements really came in handy while I was writing the assessments! Don’t forget to download your free copy here

Key concepts that will be essential as they continue to develop their conceptual understanding of numbers such as base ten and telling time!

Also ideas such as two numbers that are the same will equal an even number when added together and comparing and contrasting numbers to find the greater are all included in this packet. Different standards address are the following: Operations & Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Base Ten, Measurement and Data and Geometry.

 My kiddos loved using them and were a real confidence booster in areas they had success and spring boards for my teaching in areas they needed more practice!

Anyways I found these quick checks to be SUPER helpful for these kiddos and plan to use them in the future to kick start the year! It’s a great way to start forming groups for guided math! Please download this freebie for the NBT standards to use in your classroom.  

#tptsellerchallenge Week 4 Follower Frenzy

Wow, #tptsellerchallenge is awesome! I am BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW to the blogging world just trying to figure things out! How I wish I had started 3 weeks earlier to jump on board this awesome challenge! Thank you Third in Hollywood, Sparkling in 2nd, PeppyZesty Teacherista, and Teach Create Motivate for starting this awesome initiative!

I guess I would have to put myself in the blogging hermit category, like Living the First Grade Dream so cleverly put it! However, I have ALSO put being a social butterfly on social media at the TOP of my to do list! J

Throughout this process of getting a blog up and running, starting Instagram and Facebook accounts and so on... Exploring the world of social media has been very enlightening and I hope will help my little TpT store grow as well as give some hard working teachers new ideas! I have had SEVERAL inspirational models on my short journey so those are the people I am going to highlight today!

This one might be obvious who doesn’t want to BE Cara Carroll?! She does such a great job sharing ideas in her classroom yet is clear about the importance of balance in life with faith, family and friends! Plus all her stuff is so artsy and crafty!

Ashley’s blog is bright colorful, easy to read and full of freebies for teachers to use! Very inspiring!

I LOVE how Lindsay’s blog is organized the tabs for different subject areas is so user friendly and helpful for teachers looking for great ideas!

Thanks so much ladies for passing along your social media wisdom!

Writing Freebie

I love teaching writing it is so much FUN to hear what kids can come up with! On the other hand, there are always students that get STUCK with “writer’s block” and without fail aren’t ever able to come up with ANYTHING to write about! Soo in order to overcome this hurdle, I came up with this: Help! I feel stuck What can I write about?  I very carefully chose the wording “I FEEL STUCK” because I think it’s easy for students to say they ARE STUCK and are not able to get past it. However, I tell my students if you’re FEELING stuck, it’s ok to feel that way and here is one strategy to help. 

    It’s a simple chart that I post at my writing center in my classroom and in student’s writing folders for free write! I also created mini posters for kids that need just a few choices at a time. For some of my firsties, a whole chart was too overwhelming at once! Feel free to hop on over to my TpT store and download a free copy for your classroom! I hope it can be helpful to you! Feel  free to link up and share other posts about other strategies you use with your kids during writing! Don’t forget to follow along for more freebies and new ideas for your classroom!

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!

Hi everyone! Thanks so much to everyone that followed along with the blog launch giveaway! It was a huge success and I am thrilled with the turn-out! I know that summer months can be quite expensive for us teachers so it’s my PLEASURE to announce the winners of the following items:

$25 TpT gift card: Suzy Q

$50 Amazon gift card: Kelsey Sorenson

Reading Comprehension Passages MEGA Bundle: Callie Westkey

  Thanks again for your participation! More giveaways to come soon and a FREEBIE post on the way by the end of the week! J

Blog Launch Giveaway!

Hi everyone!  Welcome to Partyin’ with Primaries! I am so excited you are here!!! Don’t forget to follow along for updates and new ideas in the future, and a chance to WIN BIG!!!

The giveaway includes a $25 TpT gift card, a $50 Amazon gift card and my Reading Comprehension MEGA Bundle! Thanks for stopping by!

a Rafflecopter giveaway